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Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur Podcast CrouchingTuna TripolarBear Palsteron Zizaran

Zizaran: Was fun!

TripolarBear: So happy to be there with my boys <3

DCUOArsenic: Can't wait for build guides, "Max Rez Tank God Boss Killer Game Easy" and the first item you see when you open up pob is 100% adorned with 20 max rez jewels but in the video he says don't worry guys it can be done without the adorned and on a budget...

sllou2784: Just wanted to comment to say that I love that Maxroll has been involved in PoE. These types of Podcasts are huge value to the community.

luksenable: thumbnail is pure gold

voidroad: its important to take the small nodes into account too : glad gets 50% base block on shield and 6% from small nodes , its crazy

bawalbaba4820: This is my blunt rotation.

radekciosk7428: Zizaran said that he don't want the gold to be character bound because of hc, but don't warry, remember you can put the gold in and out of the town halls' treasury, and i'm quite sure we are getting only 1 village per account

PublicNemesis: You guys should do these more often!

diogobatista7712: They could make the last ritual pause the game and open the window, I also ALWAYS forget the rewards ahahah

rich1231: Somebody let Tripolarbear speak... Bro wants to say something and can't get a break... lmao

Yildun98: Scarabs on currency auction house will save me a good 40 hours this league, ty GGG :D

randomsX: tpb did NOT sleep

laranjo5999: Comparing Totems to Banners is just wild. You have to have never touched a melee build if you believe a single press INSTANT ability

Jul 26 2024

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