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Path of Exile Kitava Plush Giveaway

Salty-Hero: Nah, giveaway that table!

Sl4yerkid: never use those data mining giveaway websites

qNa87: Rather pay than do social media garbage :)

dIggl3r: Why a giveaway, I want to PAY for it! Shut up and take my money plz!!!

joshuahensley9395: Oh shit cool how do I... . Ohhh .. Nvm

mariomcp: Can I eat it?

Skaatje: Like I'm gonna join all the social media garbage to get A CHANCE on a plushie.

You gotta be crazy.

stu.chainz: Hate these kind of giveaways. Not going to ruin my feeds with some random ass companies

danteafkCamelotUnchained: And you can tell people it’s from stranger things

rikimaru696969: yeah man cool but dropping raw mirror is easier than winning this and we aint gon be putting usernames on any data mining sites.

Keshro: Was this a Tencent idea? No I am not going to do that.

Sep 28 2024

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