HuntyDerp: Pretty sure this is ai, not even one WORLD OF WARCRAFT meme.
wingzh2670: are you sure you okay bro ? if ur got kidnapped and forced to do this vid just wink twice
digdoug0061: Just remember....this guy was the first paragon 100 in Diablo 3.
luc_xott: who is bignose and how does he know when to click??
Artoriias1: StKguard
LudologNaEssie: The old soundtrack of the first act. Incredible nostalgia. Lots of health to this gentleman
RobertusAmor13: GGG's track record on PoE 1 has given me complete faith in PoE 2. I'm very confident that even if it's a different feeling game or a different paced game, it's going to be excellent.
bidu2331324: I think the real question is has World of Warcraft begun
ConnorMcdavid-h2j: TRUUEE, any truers?????
renkanestark6945: This goes to show alk can be serious when he wants to, he didn’t need to make this video but he did, which also speaks leagues about how good poe is, great vid alk
Ryan_but_the_name_was_taken: A true god gamer appreciating the god game.
suddha1: Wow he used the old school login screen song, what an absolute chad. 10/10
MrVenat0r: Classic music made me super nostalgic.
maddyleaf: I feel like GGG is a company filled with actual human beings who actually play video games and they actually enjoy what they're doing. I legit can't think of any other company where that's the case.
wojter322ify: Somehow all this talk reminds me of GDC presentation where Chris Wilson explained how he wanted to design PoE to "be played forever".
So far it looks like it's true.
I've been playing since Ascendancy league, ofc with short and long breaks from the game, but ultimately I always return.
There are no games with such depth.
bozy0223: Quinn died so he could play 3 days of WoW, then quit.
ImJuggroan: I'm Juggroan
eekkokoko5284: "I just want to play my one guy" Thx!
Sep 15 2024