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Path Of Exile 3.25 ReLaunch Starter Builds 5 PoE Settlers of Kalguur Starter Builds 2024

syhler1876: Taking a break from gaming until poe2

trymusic4life: I'm planning to play some Hogwarts, Guild Wars 2, Witcher 3 and GTA.

BGriffith85: There's a great thread of off meta league starters on reddit. Since this is just a throw away league, I think a lot of people are looking to f around w something new, like you mentioned in your closing. Been messing with a couple and will roll w either ice shot of pen totems or power siphon totems, both should be fun after they killed my ea ele

karate_kid_7771: Since the changes are so little I want to do my first SSF, but I never did one so far. Only played trade so far (1 to 4 voidstones) and dont have much knowledge of crafting yet aside from the basics. Any recommendations on what build to play?

snatcher81: Going RF, so i can switch to your afk build, hope it's good :)

spythe: Hexblast Trickster is def my goto for league starts BUT trying something different this league.

May actually start a full blown wander.

ugku1000: nice bro

ImTheWinningest: Only 4 hours away and I still haven't decided if I actually feel like playing.

lucarosenhagen6100: The jugg Armour stacker is NOT good even The Exile Cat himself Said It was a pain in The ass

MrDarkBM: After playing Pohx's RF builds it's so hard for me to play any other builds. Nothing seems to be as tanky after playing RF.

Nov 12 2024

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