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Path of Exile 2 New Mercenary Skill Cluster Grenade

badapew: Cluster Grenade - Artillery ballista support - more totems support - more graphics cards support - take my money support - more support packs support

GreatSeijin: Wake me up in December already Hoooooooooooooly!

Empyriangaming: Can't wait to fire this 10 times per second

malc190: The visuals and sound effects are on point :)

bilyso: My brain goes straight to fireworks when I see this skill.

shernick131: You already know this is going to go hard for clearing

ramus9555: I want a unique item that says "your grenades explode on impact" now

Chacal-Gaming: Yo, this looks like early new year!

Lets blast stuff !

juvenileygo: Puts headset on new year eve: fireworks noise

Removes headset on new year eve: fireworks noise

Hell yeah

jtg753: Already see the beginnings of a one button build there lol

TripolarBear: Every time I see of Mercenary I get so damn excited to play that class. Ascendancies next please!!!

Theta40: Less Duration Support, here we come.

Illumina_Blade: There better be a fireworks MTX for this day zero.

Nov 06 2024

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