matthewwouters1492: open access 15th of november right?
KaraBlackk: if a ARPG has a META that game is a solid 4/10 for me. Solve meta problems before launch.
SnuSnu91: Game looks very... mid...
Furacao2012: I would like to see templar gameplay
DonBlueberry: OMG the soundtrack
nogamenolife705: Impressive. Very nice, now lets see Paul Allen's gameplay.
SeekNeo: That rolling magma looks like it has a -150% proj speed gem socketed
PuellaMagiHomuraAkemi: Had to turn sound off, good visuals but terrible audio in your video
DenisTRUFFAUT: Beautiful shadows
xuanyuansuperman0239: POE 2 become ruthless mode WTF?
Sep 25 2024