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PATH of EXILE 2 How Fixing Melee is Making the WHOLE Game Better Exclusive Interview

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu9577: I love how talks with GGG don't feel like marketing.

rasmachris94: Man, GGG are quickly becoming one of my favorite studios.

Just the sheer openness to talking about what wasnt working, what they're trying to do to fix it - design philosophies his really refreshing.

Nyxt: so happy ziggy's doing these interviews, always a bunch of good questions asked and barely any interruptions to their answers

troylindell1767: man... this feels like a soulslike philosophy regarding bosses. Status build up and even looks like 'guard counters' are a part of it. I'm down for it!

BladeOfMercy42: As a melee lover this interview is awesome!

Really nice discussion around what makes it hard to develop, I love the guys at GGG for not giving up on it and taking the easier road!

Can't wait to see them cook even more!

kipras14: So happy with the change of no portals in boss fights! Love the confidence of these design choices.

2LoLGaming: I am not a POE fanboy but man these guys really care about the direction of the genre and I have really high expectations of them now and I want them to succeed... Gamers do your part and reward them when they deliver. Passion for the direction of the game and for a game company to be open to discussion like GGG does is very rare these days... The hype is building up to be the same as Ashes of Creation and Cyberpunk or the Diablo 4 remember the hype? This is how it feels right now and hopefuly they WILL deliver.. I already started supporting them myself with some of the supporter packs that by the way WILL be transfered on POE2 for free..

truuuupR: Ziggy seems like a natural at these. The line of questioning just felt so relaxed and flowed well. Like he was having a chat with friends. Would love to see more of this stuff.

FunRooms: I actually like that now we can't portal during boss fights, but please put a well outside the boss arena, I don't want new strange habits like portaling for flasks before fights

Hoowwwww: support-able default attack means Weapon Type identity!!! yes!!, i love it

TuffMelon: Supportable basic attack is a wild change, but absolutely needed. Auto/Basic attacks are so often worthless in these types of games, and free support gem slots would make it amazing.

YurGa1980: Praying for the melee success in PoE2!

TalkativeTri: Listening in from the hospital, bet it is an amazing interview!!

RobertSchiller-p6e: shout out to Ziggy for being such a smart, gentle and well spoken man

Psycorde: 1h and shield 2h for different skills is something I was contemplating and looking forward to trying in the game just recently, seeing it in footage here is great

Zade1994: Man a little animation to show resistance being made with the feet while being pushed would be so cool

Tremis77: Another phenomenal interview. Jonathan's vision here is on point. Keep cooking. No hack/slack ARPG has this depth of thought on something like melee combat.

Aug 27 2024

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