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Path of Exile 2 Has A Problem...

MrKajjaGG: Ive gotten two classes to endgame and simply cant enjoy maps.

wafflecopter9296: The always online is the worst part. If youre having connection issues the game is unplayable. Solo self found should be an offline mode

reicoringa96: I dont believe that we should just accept the games the way they are, the game industry has become a garbage house because of acceptance from the gamers. If we are trying to reach out and say what we want and don't want in a game is because we care, and caring is what makes games becomes masterpieces.

apollodivine: The worst aspect is the party play

- can’t pick up certain loot if your teammate dies

- can’t advance in trials if the host dies

- can’t revive

- can’t pickup waystones

- one chance for every boss

terpdx: For me, the "feel bad" mechanic of this game is how hard it is to find new pieces of gear to upgrade your toon. I don't want to engage in the trading system, because I simply don't like dealing with people I don't know. I don't want to wait to see if they'll answer the whisper. I don't want to stop what I'm doing to go through the whole trade process and cross my fingers that the other person isn't an a-hole. I just want to loot stuff off the ground and, if it's good, see if it can be crafted into something better.

Problem is that every time you apply an orb, the affixes and/or rolls you get are garbage ( 2 thorns dmg!? light radius!? 10 life at lvl 65!?!?), and the game is so stingy with orbs that anything promising you pickup either has to sit in your stash or get DE'd because you have no orbs to use in the first place. Why am I spending days running around in this game to not find a single piece of gear that represents even a marginal upgrade to something I equipped 25 levels ago? On 80% of playing sessions, there is no dopamine hit or feel-good moment, just disappointment and frustration. To me, this isn't a loot-based game but rather an arduous exercise in sifting through piles of trash to maybe find one item a WEEK that makes your toon .001% better.

Daethbane: For me, the worst parts are the overpunishing deaths and the infernal amount of rocks, holes, pits, shrooms, and whatever else I constantly get stuck on!

joshuabalduf6659: The trials are both mandatory and completely unfun. In the chaos trials who in their right mind likes escorting a statue when your afflictions are blood balls falling on your head combined with lightning pyramids on the ground combined with rotating laser wheels. Spend half the time dodging those and then the damn statue falls on the ground.

TimelessFilms1: I feel like the trading system should be based off something like the market system in Final Fantasy XIV: Premium tabs where items are set at a price WHERE PLAYERS CAN JUST BUY THE ITEM DIRECTLY FROM YOUR TAB instead of it being used as a "Trade Advertisement". It'll be a plus for players and GGG: Players dont want their game play interrupted by trade requests AND GGG can make more profit off of stash tabs.

For me, i dont have pride of being good at games or not. I have pride in seeing what how i progressed from early game and how much i improved in games i enjoy. Whether thats POE or Valorant or Marval Rivals, i just love to see improvement

GameGW935: The obstructions and the deli fog is just the worst. I have the map over my whole screen and basically only look at that. Thats a shame because the game looks great.

PromethazineEnjoyer: I appreciate that someone is finally discussing a lot of the games negative points, because while I love this game, it has a lot of super frustrating shit that just shouldn’t exist or be nearly as hard as they are (enemies exploding on death, ascendancy points being hard asf to get). However, about 50 hours into the game I had the realization that the game is just difficult, and a lot of points of difficulty are sort of skill checks to make sure you understand everything you need to know going into the next stage of the game. The biggest example of this I think a lot of people experience has to do with having actually good gear. Gear matters so much more in this game than just skills and passive points, and a single unique item can completely make or break a build. So when I actually learned how to trade gear and how to put together new builds when old ones stop working, I ended up having significantly more fun with the game. All of that to say I think a lot of people who struggle super hard with the game do so because they just don’t quite understand the importance of good gear and trading. Helped my friend who was stuck on the campaign by explaining how to put together a build and look for items w good stats and it’s been a game changer for him and he seems to be enjoying the game much more with the understanding that if you get stuck, your gear needs some change. Hopefully all that made sense. (Also just heard your point about the auction house rather than in person trading and I completely agree).

Shadowsura: Worst part for me is the optimization mainly in end game, im running a 3060ti and a rzyen 7 5800x (not super high end ik) with the lowest settings possible and every time im running t15 breach/deli/ritual and engage with the mechanic i legit start teleporting and just end up dead without even seeing what hit me lol

grahampegler7754: The lack of build diversity forcing people into playing a certain set of skill combinations or item combinations alongside having some skills gems locked behind levels is a buzz kill. Having to wait until level 50 to try a skill or build idea out is rough. Maybe the new ascendancy classes, weapon types and skills will open up more avenues for diversity. My favourite thing about POE 1 is slapping on your endgame skill at level 1-20 and feeling the progression of the skill all the way through the game, fixing the problems etc. Sadge. POE 1 league waiting room. Ironically POE 2 has made me love and appreciate how great POE 1 is even more than I imagined.

AllTradesJackReviews: I personally feel the problems you mentioned are always there, but because the campaign is well paced, a bit lighter on the difficulty, and there aren't as many punishments for failure, we don't notice them as much. I mean the layouts for some of the campaign locations are pretty annoying too. At this point, I've completed the campaign on 3 different classes because every time I go into maps and get to tier 5 or so I know I'm going to start running into problems with one shot deaths and heavy penalties for trying something I am not 100% sure I can beat. And even though i could probably figure it out, spend a couple more dozens of hours grinding, follow a guide, or not play SSF, I end up just going back into the campaign to try something new. I know I can make any build work to beat the campaign. I don't know what builds can work past tier 5 maps.

I know I'm not that good at the game yet, but I'm thinking I may just wait to try SSF into the endgame once the game is a little further along.

Berry-Dingle: My favourite thing about Poe2 is the "exit path of exile" button

viesier9443: For me:

-Trade (Bro, other games have created auction house that still has trading frictions, and GGG is still stubborn about friction meaning having to trade in this manual trade system, we aren't in the Egyptian era anymore bro)

- Ascendancy Points are locked behind the most unfun game modes ever. (I will fight anyone that says they are having the best time of their lives doing Sanctum and Ultimatum on ungeared characters)

- Exp penalty. (This I am fine with, I messed up, or am not playing properly, but the fact is simple: the normal EXP gain is too little to prevent me from wasting 5 hours of progress upon 1 death, let alone multiple deaths. So yes, please increase EXP rate)

- GGG. (Not joke, GGG has been proven to be the most stubborn devs out there, and they take feedbacks, and disagrees with players, and then doubles down on multiple occasions. PoE1 community fought GGG years for things to change and only in the later years (like literally 2023) that they finally added that in-game currency exchange, proving how stubborn they are. They have vision, yes, but there are so many instances that their vision is stuck in 2000s because they wanted to make Diablo 2. IF I WANTED TO PLAY DIABLO 2 I WILL PLAY DIABLO 2)

- Crafting. (Let's continue the fight to crafting to be changed.)

- Loot (Loot is not exciting, Jonathan Rogers will tell you it is, but it is not. I want to see devs sit down for 10 hour sessions and see how exciting their loot is.)

SeattleSandro: Yeah, I don't get GGG's rationale for some of these mechanics. Like what is their goal? Is it to frustrate certain players into not playing? Because if you frustrate a large base of your players, how do you make money later on when the game is free-to-play? I'm in the end-game with 2 characters and I'm struggling to justify a reason to keep playing. It's not like doing the same maps over and over and over and over and over again is fun. It's not like hoping to find just one piece of gear that's an upgrade is rewarding. It's not like constantly losing XP because I died is motivating. It's not like traversing backtracking through giant maps is engaging. GGG's last patch fixed a lot of annoyances, but there are still so many mechanics that are just not fun. I'm sure there are people out there who love playing punishing games or people out there who just want to "profit" from the in-game economy, but most people who come home from work at the end of the day want to improve their characters, get a dopamine rush from a good loot drop, and finally beat a hard boss. Challenging is not the same thing as punishing and tedious.

finfen9730: The punishing part in mapping honestly wouldn't be bad if they could convey that the deaths were 100% your fault. But getting popped out of nowhere to reset hours of progress is not great foresight on their part, especially when they said they wanted to slow the game down because of this very issue. I've got my fingers crossed for some stellar updates around the corner.

dragonriderabens9761: A lot of PoE’s issues can easily be solved if the devs tell the sweat lord fanboys that care more about being part of an illusionary clique that they think takes skill to be part of (it doesn’t) and tell them to take a long walk of a short dock.

These are not your core fans, they are a vocal minority. They are dead weight.

These guys are as bad as the Dark Souls guys, I swear to god

BADiesel: Nah they don’t need “slack” or “time” in regards to crafting to allow them to trickle feed the content we already had in Poe 1… these people already have a successful crafting structure they failed to bring anything useful over and what they did bring was gutted (essences).. that is absolutely idiotic to be ok with the mindset of “it’s coming in future leagues” noooo future leagues are for new stuff, not for the stuff we already have in PoE1 so we can re live a reintroduction over the course of years… absolutely crazy to not hold developers accountable for not learning from the past and actually bringing stuff over from previous iterations.

nicklili2560: I haven't been addicted to a game like I am to PoE 2 in a long time. I never played PoE 1 so I'm very fresh to mechanics of all sorts.

I do think having a death counter for end game maps and Trials is the way to go and fixes a lot of the problems most people have. Waystones can even have negative effects on them increasing rarity but reducing death count etc

TimTYT: The endgame makes me feel like I've fallen for a bait and switch. It feels like a completely different game compared to the campaign. The campaign rewards you with cool bosses at the end of each area. They are balanced ok (maybe a bit too easy), but they give you the chance to learn them and engage with their interesting mechanics.

Then you get to the endgame and it's mostly just farming annoying trash mobs that aren't fun to fight. The bosses in normal maps, when they have one, are a joke, but you also can't scale up the difficulty too much, because then you'll just get annihilated by a swarm of low tiers on crack. Maps are also way too big with annoying layouts. Citadels might as well not exist if you have to grind for hours, just to get a single attempt at them. Why gatekeep the most fun activity behind a ton of annoying shit? The same goes for trials.

I love difficult games, but not when they make you feel like an idiot for wasting your time on them. Most of the game's problems can be boiled down to the game not respecting your time at all. Whether it's the shitty maps or their archaic approach to any kind of Quality of Life features. "Friction" just for the sake of it, is just code for making the game worse and making the player feel like an idiot for putting up with its shit.

Darkkfated: Naw, it's not that i need validation about how great I am at games or whatever, it's that PoE2 is both difficult (which is fine) but also supremely punishing

mayasamsara: It feels like the game is like Hunger Games.. Have's and Have nots.. You must have currency to make currency that does not drop regularly in game. 400 hours plus and the shit loot drops made me realize why its a so called free to play.. No boss runs, always need some expensive item to access content ONCE..

wayshegoesgaming296: Why not make an auction house like WOW. It seems pretty simple. And would make the game 100% better.

josemariavacaredondo8975: My biggest problems with this game so far are two:

First; the fact that many players, including myself, that have to tinker a way to evade the game random crashes every time we want to play. It is unacceptable that, in order for your entire PC to not freeze and crash with the game, you have to require external programs like Battle Encoder Shirase or disable engine multi threading; hindering your performance tremendously because for some reason CPU ussage goes to 100% on stupid loading screens, while the main gameplay segments, do not, just so we don't have to keep endangering our PCs by constant button resets.

Second: the game's campaign and endgame feels and seem, like they are two different games, let me explain. In campaign, combat is slow, methodical, your kit of abilities is used in its majority, your are exploring diverse set of biomes, depending on the major aesthetic, the game is driven by a superb and exciting narrative, almost like your a playing a Soulslike in some aspects. But in endgame? The game turns into Vampire Survivors, just simply Vampire Survivors; combat? Due to drug addicted mob spam, turns into the minigame; how can I make an ability hit the entire screen in less time that I can be swarmed? Or spamming the same 2/3 abilities from your kit, just because they clear the areas in 0.5 less time than usual, method and gamefeel thrown down the drain. Exploration? It may look like diverse biomes, but on essence? They are the same map structure over, and over, and over again, just a fresh coat of paint adding that and the constant mob grinding, exploration is worthless. Story driven gameplay? Nope, you just have to do, the same boring maps, with the same boring 2/3 abilities to clear the same area , for the 289th time in a row, and all for what? To get yourself into a out of game shop, to try and find better gear or actual improvements on your build, just because drop rates and loot is utter garbage? And why do that? To do the repetitive, boring and worthless chore, over and over again? Endgame should be a reward itself to reach to, just like WoW, why do the grinding, levelling and kit learning, simple, so you can face badass fights along your friends or teammates, learn the bosses and zone mechanics, and be rewarded with new useful loot. Not to grind constantly so that at one time, instead of engaging on the mechanics of a towering bossfight, you one-shot it, or almost one-shot it, because your are way overtuned to do actual boss fighting. I cannot believe that a game from 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively have way more well designed and fun mechanics, than a game from 2024, it is utter nonsense. And to see moronic gatekeepers, who like to throw their time away by doing the least exciting mechanics ever seen, and accept everything they are given, without repercussions, try to silence or deem unworthy all kinds of valid criticism, makes me lose the hope in this game, and I don't want to do that, because it has a fantastic potential, but the right ideas and planning to be taken, and throw to garbage all the nonsensical antifun mechanics. All things being said, peace out folks.

Feb 02 2025

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