DallasAK330: The Diablo Killer arrives soon.
rdxredrock: They cooked with this one.
RoninGxng: Diablo 4 is dead dead dead
vgman94: Looks like this going to show the Diablo devs how it’s done!
Aragorn7884: Do You Guys Not Have Phones?
Vielthic: Dmn that looked polished!
lnx7759: This game will destroy all the arpg omg
SamuelxShaban: Will PC have couch co-op too or is it only consoles like Diablo for some reason?
D4BadRadio: D4 Bad
uhyea7809: Couch co-op? Maybe my gf will actually try POE out finally lmao
necroticzxx: I'm going to play both this and Diablo!
May 31 2024