goose5786: trying to convince t16 runners that svalinn is a crutch and they need to get recovery on block instead, is like trying to make a good build with saboteur when trickster exists.
Yawn0: early 360p watcher <--
justjay3750: im only on my second league of poe1 and i gotta be honest, from what ive seen so far, im not sure im going to play poe2. at least not until i see how it plays out. not super excited about it for now.
CC-xb4rn: My dude, thanks to your zenith build, i have done more in 3.25 than in all other leagues from 2013! :)) such fun.
Shaiandra: I totally agree and have felt this way for years. If players have ludicrous HPS, the only way to challenge them is with enemies that have ludicrous DPS, and I think cutting both immensely would be necessary for a more dynamic game. In games in general, I think damage prevention (ideally through player skill with manually dodging/blocking) should be the most important part in survival, with recovery being secondary to that.. although who knows if a game like PoE2 is too hectic for that to be feasible.
Sadbringer: Interesting discussion. I don't think recovery in particular is a root of all evil; rather, it is a collateral byproduct of ubiquitous power creep. As the margin of damage ranges for player rises and new/stronger versions of defensive stats are introduced, same thing happens to the monsters - to utilize that defence and offence on a player character, the game should provide with according level of challenge to such character. And the bigger said power risen, the harder it is to make everything truly balanced due to the nature of the game. Of course developers make monsters' abilities with mind that players are required to have "x amount of this, y amount of that" to fight the monster, but here's two things about that: 1) they don't know for sure what amount of x and y player is going to have, because there's 500 skill gems and infinite amount of item/passive tree variations; 2) developers cam't possibly test every single interaction of aforementioned variables so sometimes real busted stuff is discovered by the player and nerfed right next big patch (think previously immortal pathfinders with 100% all resistances; zerphi recovery shennaningans, etc). What can we deduct from these two points for the sake of game balance and utilization of developer time? Oneshot the player, problem solved. They either figure out how to use the tools to make themselves unkillable, or use 6 portals which is fine by devs, because what? Because game is "balanced around softcore trade economy". Balanced my ass.
If PoE 2 has only damage on the tree and no utility/defence it's gonna be great game from the balance viewpoint. It is much easier to expect player to possibly have only as much armour as all highest tier equipment pieces give while having highest %increase mod on it. To possibly have only as much hp as highest additional life mods on gear provides them with. From that only one can expect "meaningful combat" like in early stages of poe, like in older Diablo games, etc.
felixcantournet: I think you hit the nail on the head : leech and other recovery systems need to be non-linear with regards to damage taken/dealt.
Some log function would be a better.
VoiDukkha: i remember when recovery was lower than a well rolled life flask (unless your entire build was focused on it)
rlaruen2: The complication with leech/gain on hit isn't exactly that it scales with dps, but that it scales with hit frequency. A slam skill that hits once can't actually scale recovery through damage. But skills that are able to hit a single enemy 100 times just become mechanically so superior
bendybruce: Well this is probably the last comment I'm ever going to make related to this game. So I'm a visually impaired gamer and I don't engage in trade at all primarily because of my impairment. I used to play on the PS4 while I was still fully cited and actually finished in second place on the first season so it's not like I'm an absolutely terrible player. Perhaps ironically because this game has been continually more tuned towards end game builds most of which will forever be completely out of my reach, this game has become a miserable experience and I just can't be bothered playing it anymore. I personally don't hold out much hopes for PoE2. I actually unsubbed from most poe channels but for some reason decided to keep this one. I do like a player who doesn't hyperfixate on becoming Ultra Rich but instead focuses on the actual build and when I occasionally watch your streams I have to admit to enjoying watching you rage lol. but yeah I'm kind of done with poe. For someone like me I think last epoch is probably a better choice. It's just a plain fact that several years ago the game was far more generous with its drops. Now all I get is scarabs scarabs and more scarabs. It's just not fun anymore.
nextgen3ric: Genuine thanks for your commitment to pushing the boundaries of the beta to the breaking points where possible. That sort of data is invaluable and not always immediately apparent in degree of severity.
Oct 08 2024