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Path of Exile 2 Delayed Three Weeks

Roobencharmer1: They were too busy playing D4.

olderbadboy: Delaying the game to make a better product that specifically benefits the player who invested money and not the company is something to be praised in my opinion !

bluejayz23: As a programmer, migrating database is a painstaking. I hope they have good solution on this

yqq: Wow he looked really devastated, you can really tell how much this affected him. Well I'm glad how transparent he was, but that's to be expected with what we already know about these developers.

KeanuChrist: "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."

tripleraze321: Guess I’ll just cancel my December holiday plans with family. Need to keep my priorities straight.

mrwu2135: this is definitely the transparency WE ALL PREFER. After Thanksgiving is much better than a week before thanksgiving

buzzb7848: Everybody is fine with this. If Blizzard would have delayed D4 for 3 weeks, the Shitstorm would have been immeassurable.

CharltonHoward: my friend who's having a baby was excited to play, but now his baby is being born start of december hes screwed lmao he was saying he will only have a few weeks to play but now he has none hahaha rip Simon

fboud514: better wait to have a good product

JPEaglesandKatz: This should be the industry standard.. I'd rather have a developer take the time then put something out there they are not confident will do what is should... Kudos to them

breakupgoogle: it is ready when it is ready. take as long as it takes.

zankheal: The way he apologized actually shows respect for the consumer. Bravo!

steesprinter: I totally respect this decision. Time is flying by so fast right now that December 6th is gonna be here before ya know it!

ericswanson411: Well, can you name any game company that has outright come out and told they have to delay a launch and tell us exactly why and apologize for the delay weeks in advance? Aside from GGG I can't. Good on them for having the integrity to do so.

cacophonic7: I have no problem with a delay. There are SO many game I have to play right now.

I will still be here eagerly awaiting the release.

dimitriasimov356: Better late than shit imho

nathanfay1988: Honestly I'm 100% okay with this. Now I get to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 on release with no PoE 2 conflict

Nov 02 2024

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