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Path of Exile 2 Console Announcement Trailer PS5 Games

user-ss3ip5tc3h: cross progression, cross play co-op, couch co op, very clean controller UI. well done

solid5502: Path of Exile is everything Diablo wishes it was.

TalkativeTri: The cross progression is bigger than many might realize. Right now, any purchases for your console POE account DO NOT transfer to your PC POE account. It's rough. This should solve that and more. I cannot WAIT to play PoE 2 with my wife. It's going to be amazing.

jeiceginyu4595: This is rare that sony is allowing Early Access for Exile 2.

hilawnasaging4338: Blizzard's diablo is definitely throwing hands in the air right now

Teezy_Ty: And that’s the final nail in the coffin for Diablo.

Phenriel31: Cross progression is HUGE.

tyroneisrael5631: Rip Diablo 4....its was nice knowing you

DallasAK330: The Diablo Killer.

n91312: Finally couch coop and cross play

ItsTheKris: Couch co op always needs love. So glad for this

Hoowwwww: it keeps getting better, this is insane

Bodom1after1midnight: Got 1500 hours on PoE Ps5, Crossplay and cross progress is the best news ive heard so far this year, absolute game changer.

GodParticleZero: So you CAN do dark and gritty with a splash of color. D4 team take note

psvr2enthusiast: This looks exceptional!

REVOLVERE: Whoever is handling the uploads on this YouTube channel is on top of it

Jun 01 2024

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