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PATH of EXILE 1 News Replacing Atlas Passive Tree with Idols Relics in Legacy of Phrecia 1 Event

PlagueDoctorJL: My reaction to this was the same as yours. Replacing one of the best designed systems in the game is certainly.. an interesting decision..

Anthony0fFire: Me: Recently moved back to poe1, "Wow I missed poe1's atlas system SO MUCH"


edit: To be clear, I'm just portraying the irony involved for myself and likely many other poe1 players moving back until poe2 gets more updates. I'm pretty doubtful that this new RNG system will be better than the atlas tree, but it does look fun and I'm looking forward to trying it.

naywils: Well thats killed the vibe for the event. The passive tree is the best part of the poe1end game and now they're using this to test poe2. The disrespect is crazy.

voodoo1069: We had this with watch stones that had mods. It was removed because people complained about having target farming getting locked behind drops. Doesn't make sense to me either

johan3595: It really feels like this is a proof of concept they made a long time ago and didn't pass the final approval. And for a reason.

Luzarioth: WoW... I was hyped about this event, know I am not sure if I bother playing it...

The worst part of PoE1 & 2 is trading, anything that increases how much of that should be done reduces how much enjoyment there is....

odigos69: the idol system would be phenomenal as a bit of extra augmentation... but wholesale replacement?

Big. Fat. NOPE

SpaghetteMan: "here's the NEW atlas path tree BUT WORSE IN EVERY WAY"

why does GGG insist on shoving Sanctum down everyone's throat? its like the whole complaint with the POE2 ascendancy gatekeeping all over again... ONE STEP FORWARD TWO STEPS BACK.

amateurshortstories8668: This is the type of stuff that makes me not want to play poe anymore. They got the time to rework and change core systems like the atlas tree, which are already in a good place, yet they leave things like trading untouched. I think this was likely something they were working on for poe2, and decided to dump it onto poe1 when people started raging about lack of a new league.

ExiledTitan117: this is "Ruthless is just side project that we do as hobby in our launch time with 2 dudes" all over again.

guitarweeklyjournal4099: I read in forum. That they could just make jewel sockets in Atlas tree. It would be awesome

Peter_Tissot: is GGG actively trying to get us to quit poe 1 and poe 2 at the same time?

kylebusc3624: Its like they are worried about first time poe2 players realizing poe1 is way better

mangoman93: The enshittification of PoE....

AbrahamLincoln_: "We LOVE Settlers currency exchange! We don't have to trade at all now. It's awesome! "

GGG: Hold my beer....

Metalg316: I got really excited until I saw it replaced the atlas tree. I am hoping they see the feedback and have both. For a short "league" it would add so much fun

InsPoE: GGG: That is so Sanctum!

PoE1 Players: GGG, stop trying to make Sanctum happen! It's not going to happen!

nethstar: The drops for this is gonna be Necropolis Coffins all over again, isn't it? Gonna have quad tabs of different atlas content combinations.

VictusBcb: One of the major issues is if we don't have a way to block mechanics. Like if my build is ass at legion, but I get stuck with a legion mod on a few relics, it could eat up room for some other mechanics. Honestly, I feel like this system could've been used to replace scarabs (with obvious tweaks and balancing).

DeadForADollar: they should really go crazy and implement a trade system

carbonatedbrainsauce: I'm worried that it will be worse than the current atlas passives for everyone except the richest trade league players. I wonder if they are testing out this system for PoE2? It feels like GGG doesn't fully understand why the PoE1 endgame is so good.

mrmurphymil: They keep forcing trading for every step of progression but trading is the most tedious and boring part of the game. Also the atlas tree is without a doubt the main reason POE endgame is fun.

edit: I think this system was probably made before the atlas tree, but scrapped for the reasons above. As they already annouced, they are just shoving all the scrapped content into this event. This is probably a good idea overall because we can see if theres anything good in there.

Acemont: I feel like GGG is getting out of touch. And that's scarry. Because this idol system is like Well in PoE 2 - stupid extra step, that nobody needs.

OLApplin: What I dislike about the relic system, is I know I will be hesitating between investing my hard earned currency into either my build or better map relics. It seems that this choice will feel bad for me to make. I want to invest in my character, but first I have to invest in relics, but for that I need currency, for which I need a better gear to farm that currency, but also better relics. Where do I start, better relics or better gear? I guess we will see. I am still excited for the event though, I think it will be cool overall, but I'm pretty sure the relic system will end up feeling worse than the Atlas.

ArticulateArena: Nah. When we first got the trees with maven it was better.

Xhibbi: These are the new necropolis corpses, what a nightmare

Feb 16 2025

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