krpp: The damage numbers are so ugly. Can't believe people are actually asking for this in poe.
joshuahensley9395: Ghazzy acting like he's really crafting is cute
CiiTiiZzeN: i play d4 to maxroll 4 life on hit
ErLeuchten: calm down guys, iam sure next season they will add "a" brand new stat you can roll.
ICANTLOLW: datmodz is clown ark player not poe
clementgeoffroy5747: no widetime no like
MckaiserDragon: i wonder what will be next, season 5 or paid expansion
hotdog5927: d4 good
apathyreaper5323: No more D4 for Alk :(
xXnikinosXx: world of warcraft
May 25 2024