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Multi Mirror Poison Spark Occultist Overview Path of Exile 3.25

daviddo6974: for a multi mirror build this looks so bad

alexiurena9922: prob wanna do pathfinder with lightning coil defiance and widowhail setup, only viable option for poison spark imo cheers :)

joseluiscuervolopez-mora1814: Why not use pob before the mirrors?

MiloticMaster123: i would never spend multi mirror on this kind of build, i spend 50 div on a Life/mana stacker and i can do all content easy and faster at killing ubers

GhostSolar: spark my fav skill, now its frost blades of katabasis :)

RoyalNZPoE: I am HERE to see this bro! Gg very excited

alexandertodorov482: Love the loot filter, mind if you share it? Also neat idea about the build. Sad to see dot builds capped, because they can get quite fun.

mrhellinga9440: starts with an O sin.....

CaioEP: I can't believe you don't have map stash tab haha, this makes me reflect if I'm playing the game correctly haha

Great work sir!

Sep 10 2024

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