PlayerSalt: 2024 poe now with more RGB
ruibarian5187: I love running Blight, this makes me super excited.
n8doggy733: there are Passives that you can ONLY get from Flesh And Flame jewels too
joshuahensley9395: i can already see it, they go for like 5c a pop until someone figures out THE build and they are 3 div a pc
tindekappa9047: I wonder what applying this oil to a map does.
haciendaddy: Your face and sirgog's, should be like the new SECRET notable anoints.
faederSSF: seismic trap go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ArticulateArena: anoints should be removed from the game
locking builds behind more uber rare items is why the game is dying
guillaume6459: Persistance was for me a tank fix. If the new oils are hard to get, anoints will not be use as fixes anymore therefore limiting the usecase for anoints. This said i might go for blight this league, with totem or minion build
aberwood: I love weird passive skills, can't wait to theory craft.
Jul 13 2024