TR1ckY_TV: Tri-Stack means stacking all three ATTRIBUTES... You lost me in the first 10 seconds lol
thomasborgland9247: I’ve been playing your LS slayer all league. Finaly got to the 3-4 mirror invest. Build feels so broken. Thank you for all the hard work man
curlybloke101: Legit question. How do you keep yourself motivated to farm? I got mage blood, got like a mirror in gear. Killed all ubers, farmed like 200 t17s and I feel like there is nothing else for me to do this league when I finished challenges.
D3V1L4NC3: Fub playing a real captain lance build! I lied its not a tri attribute stacker. Great video, wish i could start up PoE but stuck in hospital for few more days.
annajarosik1086: Idk how this guy make so much money, cant be real tbh. Spamming t17 for weeks and just got like 800divs
azrael8197: wait so are you using ls or molten strike? are they interchangeable or something?
giceism2832: iva markova
Xlippo: Doesn't it feel like he's taking credit for the build concept while this has been played by a few before him..
jakub4905: Hello, is this build playable on lower budget without magic find? I will never be able to aford sublime vision but I have Mageblood 200/300divs and i was wondering if its posibble to make it work like that.
Blamzite: why doesn't your ring have phys damage to attacks against you instead of cold since the phys damage makes triggers the ES mastery for 5% on phys hit from all attacks regardless of damage type?
JTD472: Can you please add the scrolling timestamps? (Idk what they’re called exactly, but the timestamps that show up when you are scrolling thru the video that tells you which topic is being covered)
Would be super helpful for future videos.
Thanks !
Sep 15 2024