solldude: I don't understand why this is even an issue. Poe 1 "early acess" was also 3 acts. If you want more wait until there are 6 acts. Grown ass adults throwing their toys out of their pram because the don't get what they want. And if they would have all acts with 3 of them less polished. The very same ppl would be crying too
sfabok: I would rather play this with less acts in nov, then not get it until october 2025.......
holmes1352: It will be ready when its ready. I'd rather get a good game than some half finished thing pushed out.
mariuszszewczyk2277: I don't see any problem with what ggg is doing. But I do see a problem with falsely creating a controversy just for user engagement.
JaegerX87: paying to play it early is ok. I support the devs and I trust them. Let them cook.
Undeadangel: Delays/Changes like this dont bother me at all. After playing POE for YEARS, they have earned my trust to make the best game possible! I'm excited as well and sad we aren't getting as much but if GGG thinks this is for the best, I can accept that and Trust.
NoobMasterSSS: I’m a D4 player and have played a little bit of Poe1. I personally don’t mind paying to play 3 acts early. The most important thing for me is to be able to play on November 15th. I already requested a week off work. At this point people just want to play this game. We don’t care if we have to pay or just able to play 3 acts. We need to get playing and give feedbacks so they can start cooking some more. I think only being able to play 3 Acts is not bad because it leaves something for the imagination for when the game does release. People who don’t play early access, who don’t want to pay can have a little bit of time to catch up in term of learning the game, instead of feel too far behind those who play early access. I think that is not a problem. Just let us play without anymore delays. They can start to iron out the bugs as they go. People are tired of waiting.
KingNiros: We are not upset, at all. It's early access...
Neryox_: It's an Early Access , i dont know why people are upset for not having all the content.
For another example, Hades 2 is doing the same. And i dont remember seeing people mad about that.
The game is coming folks. We can , at least, thank them for this on the 15th November. Feedback and improvement on this period is crucial.
idocne: There is an "Early Access" tag for a reason
_alex_y.not_: Looks like POE1 is back on the menu.
Void_Maestro: considering how much work is going into POE2 and everything thats going to be released into the players hands during early access, while it sucks that they took back 3 acts of play i almost prefer that, i dont what a bunch of sweaty players to already know the fastest ways to get through all 6 acts of the game. plus if the game is delayed in the worst case scenario i will be perfectly happy, i dont want GGG to do what Cyberpunk did and release a fucked game.
ProgressiveX: Speculation to get viewers....
Oct 08 2024