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I spent over 7000 chaos on 50 maps Atlas strategies Based or cringe? PoE 869

robery4008: There is NO WAY I am stopping to pick up all that crap LOL

stfucookieman957: got my first itemized reflecting mist and it looks exactly the same but just drops one instead. shit was weird

Acemont: "I'am wierd. But that's ok" - every exile ever.

geicothegecko8124: So funny that the entire video is this meticulously calculated strat, real professional and detailed. And then i get hit w the Based or Cringe question towards the end and i just lose it

_Aynix: Do that in T17 with more scarab roll and you will get 20-25 div/h

TheScientificCookie: keep in mind he has a 200 div character

you won't get as many scarabs but the cost will be the same so you're looking at 30-40% which is 3-4d an hour and thats without counting sell time so 2d/hr

good luck

nathanfay1988: Hi empyrian, instead of deli orbing, how about deli mirroring? I'm thinking Legion Deli Beyond and maybe breach if you can fit it. Legion is a huge pause timer for the fog so you should consistently reach the boss for fog 1 reward. Simulacrum splinter drop and deli orbs at the end will be huge, and you can harvest reroll deli orbs into the good ones

player1id: I need a quality of life feature that allows when you close a map all the currency items to drop outside your map device in bulk so I don’t have to individually pick them up. Not items, of course.

Aug 16 2024

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