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I Gambled My Entire Path Of Exile Life Savings

DustinHarms: This shit was so funny but also

No-one should ever let DM into a real casino LOL

CrankyOldDave: "It's only an L if we lose." - Famous last words

kernoleary1394: didnt expect pohx to just show up randomly lmao

Scorptice: remember bois, you can only lose 100% but you can win 10000%

TheLuckymod13: PoE runs entirely on gamblers fallacies.

patricksheehan43: The best part is that his friend was absolutely right about gambling bringing you up high and then taking everything. He got 3 headhunters and then got crazy and started with mageblood cards and immediately lost everything.

matthiashornke9969: Starforge: "I like it when you turn around!"

nikolaijust3002: "I notice you have money, want to be my friend again?" too real smh T_T

Smifnoff.: had a mageblood drop for me when i disassembled a blight tower. this is only my 2nd season with under 120 hours ingame. ended up just giving it to a friend that was my sherpa for the game, cause my pc cant handle the game that well. he told my my luck is stupid

nicolausthothmes2325: This video should be seen by any gambler of any game. This was a spectacle of math, hope, quantum mechanics, and pure addicted passion.

QQWoLPHie: content is what this is :D

nephram1702: Me too I spent 99 dollars on the d4 expansion. For a pet, green portal and wings

Aug 18 2024

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