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How Im Farming 1 Mageblood every 40 maps 3.25 Path of Exile

Kvodan: > dats how to drop mb every 40 maps

> also no mb drop clip

CryptoPunk_: 3.25 : Fubgone

3.25.1 : Fuback

aefoaanemone4731: i'm glad that full mirror tier builds have some challenging farming strats to enjoy.

Dizturb3dwun: I ran this on Tuesday. It's very fun. I actually enjoyed it a lot more without the glittering.

You definitely get less loot. But at this point I care more about how much fun I'm having rather than minimaxing

And glittering is cancer

Hlidskialf: I just want to complete 36 challenges

RyuuOujiXS: Again, removing IIQ and leaving IIR was stupid and pointless.

alexgabriel5877: oh unique mobs, can you do a similar tree for Glacier farm? :) I've been kinda running it with titanic titanic of treasures titanic of legends elder influence (for these unique portals) 40% influence pack size, pretty fun and lots of gold :) but it's surely not optimized

TheLouisGreen: Doesn't Jun add like 9 uniques per map

foreseerx: How profitable would this be if you get unlucky and don't drop MB, would it be good at all, with this high cost of running it?

Last league we've experienced this with the Curation strat -- if you'd gotten unlucky, you could be running it at loss, and even over huge sample sizes it wasn't consistent enough (Snoo ran 1000 maps of Curation at something like 10d/hr profit). Overall interesting strat from the theoretical/educational standpoint, but I'd be too worried about loss swings to run it practically.

Thanks for the video though <3

AT444z: Found a mirror today

Sep 03 2024

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