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Farming 50 Stacked Decks per Map! Path of Exile 3.25

Brakthir: thanks josh, i can now flip all these scarabs i bought before the video

theroyalcam: why are scarab prices so fucking insane this league? a RUSTED HARBY scarab is going for 9c/each, last league it was 1c in bulk, its insanity. same thing for rusted ambush

riktorGaming: Don't worry about inflating the market, we love your farming videos m8.

figrider: I found The Nameless Seer on my first Jungle Valley and I was so happy and chose the map that had The Doctor, sadly to find out that scrying makes the oposite way and SENDS the cards from the CURRENT map

j3chtx10: Thanks @milkybk_ Dont let the haters get you down, we appreciate your videos and understand that you bringing these strats to light change the economics briefly. Happy hunting!

Obnixs: Farming guide from a guy without a headhunter, buy some coashing from fubgun first.

tungle6962: the dude look in bad shape, PoE is really not good for health :v

PalleAChill: I just love your videos !! Every small detail is just explained perfectly. I have 2-3 hours a day of poe. And been following your strats since last league!! And now I'm never poor.

And I love its not T17 content you make.

vegangainzhue4548: youre a legend, thanks

Aug 02 2024

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