koerdjenl: Sorry to say this - and yes I am a huge PoE fan, and been watching your stream from the beginning - but no longer as much, because I don't like these kind of click bait titles. Content creators with content don't need a click bait title, and you do have content, please skip the click baits.
Muac1: Can't wait for more information, the hype grows day by day.
Nikolaki514: i actually like that not everything will be revealed before we get our hands on it.
ulruc: I have been thinking about something because of the next gauntlet:
What if they are testing the "bosses have different abilities during campaign" so they can use that in POE 2, meaning each league could be different. I mean, they already said we would have a different map for the campaign but if we have a different list of bosses abilities in the campaign, then it would explain why they forces us to redo it every time.
I know it would be crazy fun for sure!
EcIips3: We actually have "seen" Act 6. We've not been told, but from a reliable source it was shown in the PoE 2 trailer at ExileCon 2023
timh5910: Saw and answered to your comment in the subreddit. And as you said it will be truly the best of times, when we finally get to experience everything. Being able to discover a Game is way more fun than knowing everything beforehand
Scorptice: Knowing GGG we know like 5% of the Game because they themselves are at around 60% rn xD
leafe1371: What absolute word vomit, constantly contradicting himself... True master of not saying anything with so many words, its actually a practiced skill..
omegasybers1110: SUBTITLES
DELTA9XTC: I already got my 1 week vacation from work approved. So I have time to play from Nov 15th at around lunch or 11 am until the 24th of Nov. I dont have to work one second during this time. Im so excited for it.
I actually also took 2 weeks vacation when D4 released last year and I def didnt play for 2 weeks at all lol I expect POE 2 to be SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH better, sadly I dont have enough paid vacation days left this yr since I want to keep 1 week for Christmas.
but yeah, Im happy to have basically 9 days loaded up. I know many cant take time off work at all, so I feel you. No worries - Ill play just twice as much to even it out =)
iKnowMungFu: I totally forgot about Arcane Archer until you mentioned it here... That sounds like a lot of fun.
Sep 29 2024