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Complete Walkthrough of Path of Exiles Endgame Veteran Player breaks down his 25hour playthrough

TheOnlyBroski: Ahhh PoE the only game that you could take an entire college course on and still not know every mechanic

IAmJaimy: Loved this video. Just finished watching it all the way through. At the end you were asking if you should be making more of these types of videos, so I wanted to put my two cents in.

Personally, I would really enjoy watching you play a character off-stream every league. I'm really liking the relaxed and laid-back style. Great decision to do this completely off-stream. Much easier to follow along and you seem to enjoy it this way more as well. A hardcore, SSF character run every league sounds like a fun recurring series in my opinion.

I have been regularly watching both your videos and streams for 4 years now. Thank you for what you do! smile

ethan5259: I'm really surprised that you have content both ror2 and poe,I love both game,and I love your videos,thanks dude

acridenjoyer7531: Really reassuring to know I'm not the only person who makes a bunch of sidegrades and then questions why he even did any of that crafting in the first place lmao

Quacknee: I have only played this game for like 30 minutes before like 6 years ago. But I see Woolie content, and I click. Even if this all goes over my head, its will be something to have on while I do some editing.

war.torn_: I saw your comment on the IanKyo channel, and I absolutely think you're right.

I don't get why you got flamed so much, by just wanting to help, and give a word of advice, love you

maskettaman1488: Half way through and so far this is pog. Will keep you updated.

Edit: Completed the video, previous verdict still stands. Good job Mr Woolie

doudevil1: Stuff like this is awesome to have when you start out, great stuff!

MetronUzer: Bro, ty so much for a video! Just started ssf and here I have a guide!

xkotaa: do you have any advice for being able to eyeball the value of items? i sometimes use the poe trade extension but i feel like i’m not getting a proper feel for it

vhbcccuhvv8534: You dont really need the map stash for 150 points first, i played for like 4k hours without a map stashtab. Its too much points at the begining. I highly recommend : currency, fragments, essence, and then map , divination etc.

Oct 08 2024

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