shanebovell6733: Cohh you're dressed waaaaay too nicely in the thumbnail. Where are you settling on? Love Island?
JimmyTRUELOVE: I've never played path of exile can someone explain why they'd release such a huge update to the first game with the second one on the way?
Asgard-vdS: Playing PoE without external tools? Wut? How?
xlM3RCxl: I was also not planning on playing this again and waiting for PoE 2, and here I am as well lol.
chievemoe6590: Wishing you a nice vacation, havent been around on twitch that much these days but i still enjoy your videos. Hope you been good man
hgjf3: Johan and Raulf and Sonya are new "forsaken" masters. Faustus was came from habour of heists, and Dannig and Tujen are from "expedition" team.
zerohero8519: I was gonna wait but.....
user-ty1wl1pt3r: POE has gold now? Sacrilege!
da7k51d31983: anyone got a link to the build?
user-gx3wq5kb7j: Why are you not playing that garbage game you defend so much
Aug 04 2024