Crabunderscore: Quin on a good day is very funny, on a bad day he's hilarious
mikeviray6152: maven explodes even if you finish her game it doesnt just dissipate he was too close to it already by the time he finished i mean week 1 of her being released this was known
tlakovyhrniec: why there are always alkaizer braindead clips ? what is point ?
RAM_C5: Belton yaps so fkn much.
Awildfjellman: Funny when the naab died to memory game, fuck around and find out
itsBluffer: Widetime
PaiMei667: Quins 1st build copied from Goratha
2nd build copied from Alk
3rd build copied from Mathil
kobayashid3186: jump jump jump jump jump dies
Aug 16 2024