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Banner BUFF SCALING is INSANE! Reworked Mechanics Potential Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur

chaosandcoffee: Been loving some of the intros lately

rachidkrach: love the tone of your videos, man. informative, straight to the point, no over hyping. and valuable information

KALClFER: You about to be downvoted by people who can’t click more than one button in POE

Ilyak1986: Conditional defenses = no good. Conditional spell suppress feels like it's just asking for a bad time, and conditional block just seems pointless--you need block vs. all the incidental hits in maps--most endgame bosses do damage in the form of spells.

That leaves war banner which...seems excellent when fully invested.

simdubz6169: Love the new intros!

blssm8941: the explode notable could be good for something like blight where a lot of enemies are bunched up together.

ZwrP: they also work with generosity, to giga buff minions, but...

you can aslo abuse them with hands of phrecia to get turbo boosted auras for both you and the minions(which i learned from your video on it lol)

GermanLoLVidz: Your channel is greatness!

finalfragment8432: the videos for this pre seasons are pure gold this channel have gone above and beyond this time

topassive8823: The intro was awesome lol

Jul 25 2024

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