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Back to back crazy RNG Identifying Sublime Visions more gambas PoE 899

lifeloverNorris: That sublime vision RNG is the epitome of 99% of gambler quit before they hit big meme

SpecShadow: Empy and Snoo still delivering late PoE content makes the waiting less painful.

thank ya!

PlamoTherapy: I dropped my very first Sublime Vision last Saturday. Was Purity of Fire. So now I have my first ever multi-mirror character.

Tuftorenix: I know the video the thumbnail is referencing, but 'My best RNG since the voices' makes it sound like you've recently become schizophrenic and thought it was effecting your RNG

kristaps6241: 60 seconds 2 views, bro fell off

Doth_: During the 4 dot multi amulet recombination a chatter was freaking out that its an easy craft and its on youtube. Did anyone find this video? Chaos dot multi is an easy craft, but i dont think normal dot multi is.

Real_itachi_xd: Nothing comes close to the old time classic Voices gamba. That video deserves to be in a museum

Oct 25 2024

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