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20 Useful Melee League Start Build Tips Path of Exile 3.25

dallasblackburn7908: I feel like Clarity is going to be a must with melee builds with the increased mana cost of skills

kenhiett5266: Melee is pronounced (may-lay)

MrD4possible: Thank you. See you in league start Jorgen

mythilicar: im def gonna use this on league start, ty :)

ukdnbmarsh: attack Hillock counter clockwise

cozmocozminsky3811: regarding mobility: after doing the island you have access to frostblink, you only need 1 (blue) socket and 20 int (Versatility node near start), I oftend find it much easier to find one blue socket that R-G and have scroll for leap/FA depending on what you took from quests

FB can be more usefull (you will need fire blink for end game) as its a teleport rather than move skill, so leap slam will get you hit with stuff (for example mavens rotating lasers that give u degen) while blinks actually teleport you

brillanty7091: Damn, smite as an aura is something I would never have thought of

synoxify: the one think im realy worried about is phyiscal mitigation in 3.25 it feels rly hard to get 20k max hit without guard skills

peterd8251: I appreciated tip 10 about Automation support a lot! I'm coming back to the game after a year off, and this sounds way nicer than running a low level CWDT setup.

Good luck in the league!

GpkmBJ: I have ONLY played Melee since Sacrifice of the Vaal, had to delete a bunch of chars because i rand out of space to make more Slayer cyclone Builds, feels nice to get some Melee love again, Legion League was amazing

Jul 26 2024

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