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WIKI GUIDES - Corporeal Beast (OSRS)

jimmy13morrison: Mr monkey isn't resepecting the spirit of the wiki he should brew down to the minimum stats recommandation
SymmRTA: yo whoever put the final fantasy x cloister of trials music in the background thanks for the ptsd
XxSupaBAMxX: Interested to see what the copers have to say about the leaf bladed spear
evangibson1898: inferno next
SkylordGuthix: Hedron how are you this fast holy-
austinatyahoo: Hyped for that TOA wiki guide lmfaooo. When I started TOA I was broke and barely had a zammy hasta and I recall how miserable it was if I missed BGS spec.
YungChitn: BuT yoUr'E nOT UNdErstAnDInG tHe PuRPosE oF ThE WIkI It'S LiStS gEaR fROm bESt TO LeAsT EffEcTivE iT DOe'sNT MeAN ThIS GeAR iS RecCOmMenDed!! REEEEEEEE
SatanDotExe: I've got thousands of Corp KC and I'll say, if you have a 3 man group, you can No-prep kill Corp with only d'hide and fang. Fang is so strong at Corp.
Erikkert: Unironically, karambwams are better cause they have less attack delay on your next attack after eating.
SappyEuphoria: Praying this one stays up
noyourtheradish5305: You do this until ely then go vardorvis lol

May 16 2024

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