MrTommyx03: If osrs does die, I call dibs on the loot key
tdude3164: As a 30 year old parent of 3. I punish my kids to run laps on my account when they get in trouble
JohnFromAccounting: I've played games that died. OSRS avoids so many of those errors by polling updates and responding to player opinions.
KOfilms22: I dont know, i just started this year. And i dont remember last time ive been so passionate about a game.
lankylemon8555: What if I worry about the channel dying?!
wahoo42069: Part of the proud 6.8%
ShipeMMO: osrs wont die unless people stop getting masori pieces
endurement: Wow, good point about the player base having a form of adhd/autism spectrum. It makes so much sense why this is the only game that has stuck with me for so long as an adhd kid/now adult. Always something to do in game lol
william4996: I'm a slave to nostalgia. If OSRS disappeared I'd be pretty down. Probably for a long time. I'm a player who stops for months returns to grind for 2-3 months and then quits again.
SayHwhut: The thing that makes OSRS special is since inception Jagex made it rule #1.0-A) that they have to poll the community and have to abide by the results. I have played so many amazing games and franchises that have been destroyed by devs thinking they know better than the players. Just look at RS3. Our JMods are in a position where even if they're positive their ideas are perfect they still need to convince us. Thus even if the idea is bad they still need to pass an understanding of the community check when they convince us to vote for it. This prevents the disconnect most other major devs have of just jamming their ideas into the community then being shocked at the response.
This is why the only way OSRS ends is if polling ends. The game's very nature of being incredibly slow and grindy will naturally weed out fickle and short-term oriented people over a long development polling cycle. This is also why it is funny that players complain that everything is passing every poll. That's a good thing that means the devs understand the community enough not to waste our time with bad questions.
My only concerns recently have been the dev reaction to the wilderness and fudging polls like the new skill. Other than that we good.
Jul 03 2024