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What is Happening to the Oldschool Runescape Economy? OSRS

TheKilodaneko: Buying an Osmumtens Fang at 175m is possibly the worst investment I have ever made.

kiet4852: Those 3m bonds days felt like a dream now

frostieisme: With the IRL price increase in bonds, we're gonna see 20m bonds very soon

helpfultomcruise2233: having mid to late-mid game money makers rebound from bot banning makes them so much more appealing and enjoyable to do as a legitimate player

bjorn3740: Isn't it crazy how items can go 3-5 times the price by banning only some bots. Those places are still bottled lol

UTubeMakesMeLol: I exclusively play end game UIM so the market has no interest in-game for me, but dang i absolutely love these videos. It feels like the osrs equivilant of wholesome daily newspaper reading. Thanks for doing these, please keep doing them, they're great!

kumicables: i dont even play osrs much anymore but these are still fun to watch

aircatcher6891: I saw the bond changes and was like "oh shit theyre gonna regulate it!" Just to see it go up a dollar in real money. Disaster. It's actually impossible for a ftp player to make money for a bond in a meaningful way

JohnFromAccounting: I got 8m for an Ahrim's set. Barrows being affected by bots as well.

ThePistol687: did some hunter recently and saw about 10 accounts with 200m hunter at black chins lol

WhateverIwannaupload: dude the fang drop is insane given just how damn good it is in almost all content where you can melee.

it even outdps' the dharok set in the giant mole grind.

currentcommerce4774: jagex banning the wrong bots

Jun 23 2024

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