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What Is Happening To The Oldschool Runescape Economy? Is Jagex Fixing The Botting Problem? OSRS

Popzugzugz: i feel like you did no research bro, you shouldnt be askign on almost every item "tell me why you think this item spiked" thats for you to tell us. love your content but this video belongs in the bin mate

brianwilliams4886: Elder maul got the buff already check your info man

thefatpakyak2826: Was this video meant to be released months ago? I’m confused lol

TheStormSuspect: This a reupload? Cuz this is old info bro

davidcorrales149: Very bad vid

zeftlovescats2433: I'm going to go ahead an unsub; your videos recently are just downright disrespectful to your viewers. You're just rambling with open-ended questions and reading things off screen.

bobbobinator192: bros straight up stealing filpping oldschool titles. sheesh

BDAShadow1: Try to stop saying things like “kind of” for absolutes. You’re aiming for informational videos so be decisive.

therenzix: I started playing October of last year and went from f2p to member using bonds. Bond prices were around 8 mil and I ended up high alching my way there and grinded my smithing up to create runite bars by doing adamant bars at the blast furnace. After that I found out how profitable farming is and now do 1 farm run when I wake up, 1 farm run when I login to play and 1 farm run when I get off giving me about a mil a day. I do have a bunch of bonds in my bank but if bond prices keep going up I might cave and buy membership. I do take pride in never paying for membership though so maybe not.

joeyschmidt7546: toa drop are getting close to high alch prices besides the shadow its not even worth doing. the soul reaper axe pieces and prices need fixed as well. project rebalance needs to balance all raids drop because its crashing bad same for blood shard and many other items. these items need fixed now before it becomes a bigger problem with jagex focusing on new content the old content needs fixed first

mateuspicerni3742: This video was literally no help

Jul 08 2024

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