michaelhenderson643: 2005: im gonna go farm big bones
2025: im gonna go farm big bones
ferrariramsgobrrr: We've never seen an OSRS video title like this before!
ImReadyAyu: I started this yesterday and I'm at 4 mil on F2P selling Big Bones! Great money!
EVScape: Yeah haha who would buy a mid game staff for 150m haha
stopsign515: EVSCAPE was the fool that messed with the new staff right away
nunyabiness181: I could swear I’ve read that exact title from you like 5 times
tyrincarnate3854: As someone who day trades the stock market every morning while also flipping GE stuff throughout the day, I find it funny how useful the skills are and how well they translate in both directions.
I just wish we could short things on the GE..
carlossoares3314: Sold almost 500 huasca seeds from my huey grind for almost 60m, great that i didnt sold back then
ghhfddres2323: I started 1 hour ago in f2p and I’ve made 80m selling big bones
TheRedzeth: Free to play is eating good tonight
Graceclaw: Someone should have a count of how many times he posts a video with this title.
We've got to be going on at least 15 by now
VinceLocRS: Kurask task once again go brrrrrrrrr
BigLittleSmall1111: killing hill giants for big bones is significantly more profitable than the boss itself rn lmao
kollink70: You don't use huaca for goading potions
xxHumilde: Ty I got me a Tbow with 2 hrs of picking bones!! Wow thanks a lot
justinian963: The demon aegis should have a 33% prayer drain negation to be useful at Cerb. Would make Cerb much more tolerable for irons
Cam.710: I made a bond in a day from big bones. It's absolutly insane
pgarza47: idk why everyone says the BP is sooooooooo accurate??? THE SPEC never fucking lands!!!!
AmIEvenHereRN: F2p worlds hill giants gonna be packed w bots
JaytheGreen: whats up with all the gross 2 handed weapons lately?
x00Al13N: I paid 9.3k per bone like 20 minutes after update
Alexanatorful: Pretty sure EV Scape bought the first staff for 150 mil. Lol.
azunai8569: Ring of Endurance is going to go up over 35mil in about 2 months if you want to make some killer profit. Currently being sold for 7.2mil each, I bought 14 for 9055k each and another 6 for 8600k. Getting them for cheaper is ideal, but I know I'd regret not having a pile in hand for the big update on them lol.
killyain123: yo stop crashing bond prices!
Im_Hiqh: Can we get a face reveal because you literally sound like another osrs content creator
Feb 12 2025