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UPDATED Quick Guide to The Mage Training Arena in OSRS

YoutubeAddict23: Thanks for getting this out quickly bro!

dznxan: Just punched my wall I finished bones to peaches 4 days before this update (:

ShawnBlaque: Dude I've been waiting for this since I heard about the update! Thanks for making it so quick

runescapeguides: Perfect timing! Made a new ironman and decided to get this grind out of the way early and bam a video uploaded 1 day ago!

Xenn000: Been waiting for the patch to come out and this was the perfect video! Thanks!

rukmuk: crazy clutch timing! thank u.

danbill9165: This is brilliant and I’ve delayed my grind on my iron, currently level 72 mage so perfect to get into it , with the updates the rewards will come faster :)) I’m pre barrows as well

jakepayne3327: great guide helped alot

luckystank_7772: tyty man, never done before starting it on my iron! go job getting a vid out fast!!!

TheSuperRunner: Nice! I did this a bit in leagues but I've been meaning to do it on my iron

IAm_Tub: As an ironman* who trained using the old MTA this makes me motivated to complete it

May 13 2024

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