BroHesCamping: I knew Nish wouldn’t jump in and grind out that pvm right away lol
BobbyJpure: I've been considering the prayer upgrade on my 20 def 82 attack pure. Would gain me 1 combat level from 95 to 96 so not terrible.
Negative1KD: Can pures use chivalry though? Doesn’t make sense if they can’t
StackReacher: Yeah you aint tripping. I had the streamer Donator as a target in BH. He was skulled in full Torva.
I risked Vestas skullrd and lodt 15 mil. Everyone said they would have just skipped but like...skip torva skulled? Naaaah
runopologist: Congrats on completing the Swangsun quest.
bobcobb158: 80 atk now 63 pray.. pure cb keeps inching higher and higher, but i guess it doesnt really matter for NH
kenrs5473: Why anti pk? Why tf not lol why give the pker free loot
devonhhaxuphalix8430: you haven't done song of the elves either, i can tell because making history is a requirement.
get some grand master quests done
Axoe: gonna do this on my 60 attack pure, hope the extra combat level from 52-63 prayer doesnt fuck with it too much
Maxxeemoose: Random Blessings = IRL Random Events
OSRS2ndBase: Nice vid man
Blackanstein: Had to play on .6 speed to keep up with the clicks...
_Spooner: That first kill
DustinBowling-y4t: Dds gmual dds smites ppl ez asf
hallod1: Would be nice if you explained how much attack bonus the prayer gives!
BroVelocity: sweet vid! the new accuracy boosts are so good for keeping momentum!
0ffd: bruh that sh*t is Op lmao
mastythegee: It’s proper shit as you get more recognition then me
l0lan00b3: Do these prayers make any worthwhile difference, at lower ranged/magic levels, for the combat levels?
jordanb3461: Gz on scrolls i got both mine at 179kc too
MikeLoganzo: Holy cringe at the noise the mage one makes though
Redneck4ever: Saw the discord message and I’m here let’s gooo!
MahdysDisease: Nigh, now do a series with the new prayers max set from scratch on the pure!!
Maxaveli: holdup nish gettin active on yt?
Feb 27 2025