Keitish: Tired it once without a guide and was too traumatized to go back until now
Ben_Gates: The new Twinflame staff with Tome of Fire and searing pages is very good here
mattewsmith6747: Got magic fang at 1kc, have not gone back since
oscarflores6367: I have 99 range and 97 mage and still hate zulrah more than most bosses
Vigilantmage: This is a nice refresher. I haven't been back here in a very long time.
Beggsington: I'd suggest Irons struggling to to get the 1 kc for western hard diaries to watch a magic only guide for Zulrah kills. Less switches, more inventory space, less mechanics to worry about. Tanz phases you get to just chill behind a pillar and double down an antidote and top the health up, which also saves you from tanking the random range hits that somehow always stack with 3 snakelings hitting you. Just don't forget about the Jad phase and you're golden
Angel-r6v2f: If you able to afford 3 bill armor idk what you doing there lol
troopysnacks: Why do you have a 3rd account now....
RustyMoOfficial: Can you please make a complication of all your intros their so amazing their the reason i keep coming back haha and your info ofc
jordanpearson1932: Honestly atleast in my experience with 90 magic. Fire wave hits way harder then any of the tridents. Can hit 30 plus
sebaitor: Why didn't you suggest fire spells?
yzzyxnetwork: The cheatsheet and plugin are a terrible way to learn this boss. Just switch which side of the arena you're standing on whenever the poison clouds clear. No need to memorize a crazy cheatsheet or rely on a plugin
Feb 10 2025