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The new OSRS Thieving method no one is talking about

Spookdog: seeing you open clue caskets feels wrong. put them back

UIM_Loki: bro the math breakdown put my brain into a state of bliss, sick vid <3

tstellar4190: Wish OSRS just would add in stacking clues, make it a reward from a master quest but it would be a huge quality of life udpate.

SchneiderOSRS: You should check out Heros next, they're 0.9 elites/hr and 190k theiving exp/hr

LepreT.: I honestly like video's like these. Quite gamechaning updates that you explain really well. I'd like to stay up to date with all the updates, but I slack sometimes and video's like these help a lot. Keep it up kip!

Kaz.2719: Do we know if ghommal’s hilt impacts this drop rate? I may have missed it if you said it in the video

marshallc6215: The only issue i have with the math is that the exp is worth 0 at 99 thieving. If you consider the exp as valuable, then you should use reduced exp rates for both methods. Maybe running the math for levels 75 when gnomes are unlocked, then 85 and 95 as progression milestones to show the curve.

Great video as always!

JohnDoe-di2dw: thank you so much for this best medium clue to grind for masters when im missing one

cojofoplays1837: 100% can confirm medium clues wont drop the to ground you get a message saying "you didnt have space in your inv for your drop"

Mrmghz1: Everyone was talking about it and how they don't meet the proposed rates at all

May 18 2024

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