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The BEST Slayer Tips For OSRS 2024

syrfan: I have 99 Slayer, and I'm still going to watch this video.

hisye0: I would recommend the bonecrusher / bonecrusher necklace as a must have. It's incredibly useful as preserving prayer potions in the catacombs. I often have gone through entire tasks not sipping a single dose. Absolute huge upgrade for slayer

KyloB: I started 6 years ago, and saw someone with the slayer cape and thought it was the coolest most badass cape I'd seen at that point and still is to this day and I had the goal of getting it since then.

Now I'm 97 slayer, 96 spread on melee stats 101Ranged (16m exp) and 75 magic. 70 prayer. 1640 total level.

I'm still trying slowly but surely 2 tasks per day as a busy guy with a family but I'm getting there. Maybe at the end of this year I'll have 99.

So far I've earned enough from slayer to get 99 crafting for a nice bank teleport, I've got decent gear (bloodmoon/fang for melee) and venator bow blessed hide for ranged which I'll sell back when I retire from slayer

Bkn7kt: My number 1 slayer tip from this is the Cannon double hit guide. I was aware that the cannon had the ability to hit a mob twice, just wasn't aware the ground markers when you place down the cannon actually mean something. I just trial and errored finding the sweet spots like a noob.

RSN Koo Koo34

JohnFromAccounting: Start out doing Wildy slayer. When you're a low level, PKers can't attack you as often. You get the best slayer points in the game for all the important unlocks.

fliperotchy: 2024 Slayer guide that doesn't mention the Venator bow is just a huge mistake.

teaganglen383: My favorite slayer tip is to spend some time on construction and get your house close to maxed if you can. I didn't do this until pretty late in the slayer grind and I wish I had sooner. It makes transportation to/from tasks and banking so much easier. Plus you can save some cash on pots/food by using your rejuvenation pool when you bank. It's a big quality of life upgrade during the slayer grind.

RSN: No Biscotti

proudpatriot3491: I'm training slayer while watching this

mminutel: A task to kill 200 will result in around 250 if you use the bracelets of slaughter, not 240. This is because it will still proc off of the "extra 40" adding an additional 10.

Smartguy898: My number 1 slayer tip is if you're skipping a task more often than doing it, go ahead and block it. RSN Murunix

Aug 31 2024

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