Bunsense_Gaming: The staff picking spells depending on their weakness is actually a really cool game mechanic
wildakfeeny: Time to watch "Giants Video v5"
zpushz: Giants video V5 looking good!
L33tTurtlez: What happened to video v0-v4?
icba9292: I feel like this was supposed to come out before leagues 5, with the Kandarin echo item in mind and i imagine they wouldnt have gate kept it from not using surge spells, wouldve made kandarin alot more fun tbh, shame
Teeteeteeteetee-w4m: Restricting the Twinflame Staff from being able to cast Surge Spells was such a mistake, god forbid something is just "good enough" to make it useful in the super niche elemental weakness situations
silas5706: "im in a solo mission" not even a minute in and ABSOLUTE CINEMA
topcutcatering: Thanks for the duos on the new boss, and for the death feature! Much appreciated !
PANGPOWER: sweet, prayer upgrades so I can put off doing raids another few years
DivineFrag: Giants Video v5
AmIEvenHereRN: Imagine conning a pure with 52 prayer into using the prayer scrolls and then they no longer can use mystic might lol
itsAbys: Ngl surge restriction is lame
But maybe future upgrade
alexferrari3827: Would be great if the chivalry for 1 def accounts passed
Ink_spott: IMO Jagex has been killing it with these mid-game bosses. Both from their mechanics, their visual design and their unique drops.
Scurrius, Moxi, Huey and now the Titans all do an excellent job adding new mechanics for early players to learn and building upon the previous ones. They do a great job of teaching the specific mechanic while keeping the mental stack for the previously learned mechanics low (which, IMO is the hardest part of high level PVM, no single mechanic is hard on its own in this game).
I think the Titans are the best yet. They are great fun to do, and all of the mechanics are very intuitive and well telegraphed.
JohnFromAccounting: Brenda and Eric are pretty cool bosses.
Plex24039: The best thing about jagex putting new content is that we have a solomission video. the goat
michaelcisneros9735: Imagine being a 10 hp account and dying twice and losing our items
connergoldberg: uh ohh....getting hit in the after life means another pking glitch is imminent lmao
prestonwade4619: Been at work all day can iron man duo?
dre_osrs3835: so wait. if i use the scrolls on my 52 prayer pker account...i HAVE to get 63 pray or whatever? there is no going back to eagle eye/mystic might?
Feb 08 2025