featwizzle5517: Chat before u gear up to go anti pking remeber lag is a god tier pker already so you won’t get the same results js
MrNoSleepOSRS: u are a content MACHINE. if i pked like u i would be too lol. legend nice work
5igils: Seb gets a kill:
He just drops a _____, after he dies haha. No way.
MiamiRight-f9l: are you hiring actors still, some of these guys suck i used to work for settled and ditterbitter let me know
Joshyouare94: Sell the loot end of each vid cause we like to see where you’re actually standing with bank price
tetherblows: i like the part where the spots are red over a person
featwizzle5517: Haha u def got the funniest voice when slowed down to .025x to see how u get these kills “beeeeyou u u u u u you youuuuuuuuuuuuuu ttteeeeeee ful”
Oct 11 2024