Deyy187: 1 month 9b bank?wow
rKasoyy: “No such thing as safeing it’s 2024” - seb
featwizzle5517: Yoooo 200m away from being able to afford shadow while keeping full ancest and crystalbowfa zoggers
jerryelsea8126: Why not just brew down when boxing him???
ez9565: Surely this deserves a spot on soups GG!!?
topcutcatering: Respect for not killing the guy that dced
rihardsv.7375: king lagunarium. printing, not jealous at all like never.
impolite2n1p3r8: This grind is sooo slow and boring asf
iQuickYouDie: Anyone know what plug-in setting he uses for his characters tile?
CheerfulAardvark-nf3rd: I watch every one of your vids bro
Oct 27 2024