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OSRS updates that affect you over the next 6 months

Spookdog: you're right this does affect me over the next 6 months. 2 months preparing for leagues, 2 months playing the league, and 2 months recovering from leagues

matthewfera2954: Dude you totally sent me with that wrathmaw joke, the perfect amount of silence. I thought the video paused or something so I was totally disarmed, then I just cackled.

ALittleMessi: Mudkip is my news source for osrs

zdude1793: I hope Wrathmaw doesn't pass. The hunter vs hunted aspect of pvp is too overdone as it is.

CatNibbles: I'm just tired of bosses in the wildy being about people who actually do the boss having to fight against the boss and the pvpers. Not to mention this boss will be doable only like 3 times a day? It just sounds terrible, like the mechanics can't be crazy because its not practicable, it will probably just be another huge ball of hp for ppl who want to kill the boss to have to sit and widdle away at while pkers just feast on them, not interesting.

jurgnobs1308: I wish they would do something similar as the alchemists amulet but for binding necklaces in gotr. that would make it so much nicer to make combination runes

WayStedYou: They turned the dune popcorn bucket into a wildy boss

snowflan4567: idk if i like you just needing the goggles for 10% chance to save secondaries in herblore... i think it should be 2.5% per piece or 2% per piece with a full set bonus of 2% adding up to 10% with the full outfit but i am a big fan of being able to slam my chemistry amulets into the alchemist's amulet

Whergy: wrathmaw was the fastest "no" i've ever clicked on. World bosses are an idea that should be explored but putting the first one as PVP bait is definitely a miss. It's actually incredibly cringe they gave it a teleblock as well as only spawning on certain worlds to increase player density. Predator vs prey mechanics are garbage and jagex needs to to stop pushing it.

LPcrazy_88: Gielenor Games could be up HUGE with those private servers. I imagine some things would be much easier for them to setup and they can do even more things with this kind of control.

lovsaphirars7119: Wrathmaw seems like a cool idea, but I doubt many people would be willing to do it making pjing and anti-pjing more limited. The current rewards are too narrow to PVP.

Sep 10 2024

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