AllOuttaThyme: Here, we witness a Hill Giant invading the Tormented Demon's natural habitat. Observe as he adapts his weaponry to optimally pierce his enemy's defences. Truly magnificent!
matthewhorn1203: Basically a nerfed demonic gorilla I'm 2000kc with 0 shards at demonics. I cursed jagex for it but now tormented demons will be a cake walk.
DrunkDoglol: Botting this right now. Thanks!
noyles9519: The demonic gorilla is spawning xd
AICaliceinchains: Good guide, but what a waste of context. Replicated demonic gorillas after almost a decade, which were replicated off these in the old game. But yeah, like nothing really good drops, even the midtier weapon components seem meh for their requirements/time invested in getting them. This game needs to stop regurgitating old ideas into “new context” and start thinking for itself.
VolarkoVane: Mammal I thoroughly enjoy your guides - great pacing and just the right amount of detail. Please make more.
alexf9281: Great guide! An additional tip: After the Demon uses his Root special attack, its shield drops and it becomes vulnerable for one attack. You can use this time to spec with a weapon like DDS / SGS / Dragon Claws. Also I noticed that my max hit with Dark Demon Bane would be increased during this time. Normally I would max a 49 on a slayer task with Demon Bane, but after dodging the root attack and it's shield dropping, my next Demon bane could hit up to 66 damage. Good luck gamers!
MrEvisc3rator: Me 30 seconds in already getting roasted after finishing WGS last night. I dont have an arclight :(
matthewmullen5131: Nice guide Mammal! You are the best
nich.894: Don't forget they count as greater demons for your slayer tasks!
Jul 12 2024