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OSRS players wasted a lot of time before this update

Spookdog: idk why I bothered spending an hour making a max party invite card when yours is 100x better

mrGlekkev: I was thinking I was going insane, farming kwuarms and sometimes getting avantoe when I picked it, glad it was an actual bug and not just me being insane

Jasmine69420: I always positioned my slayer monsters to die in open spaces to spawn more superiors because I was paranoid some might not spawn for this exact reason. Feeling so vindicated rn.

Tonypollyoly: I only do holiday events that give music tracks. Best holiday items are the candy filled pumpkins that go in your poh garden, the Christmas ornament for your poh pools, and the Easter spade so you don’t lose your spade to pkers

SwordofAlabastor: Yep, had 5k changes and lost 'em all. Feels bad man

DarkSpaceRS: Hey i must've missed that lone about the Colossal Hydras on the blog post! I found that bug a couple weeks ago and died like 2 or 3 times to the stolen agro until i realized what happened! Glad it got fixed.

wickedawsme: 30 seconds ago is crazy

smittywerbenjagermanjensen3215: The max party invite was actually so adorable

shanebiggs9128: Wow Love the videos, I am currently catching up through all your group ironman videos! Had to see this one though

JorgeLuis80100: I feel so called out at the ending

mathewlarsen7067: I was one of those who lost about 20% infusion when it changed. Luckily I already had 27 shards, just a bit of time afk cannoning hill giants at work to be able to upgrade it when I got the drop.

Oct 25 2024

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