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OSRS Most Epic Escape, Critical Issues Delay Jagex Update, DMM Armageddon Blog Recap, More!

Arkskey: Chris Archie music is nostalgic asf

nonfatalfonso: imagine being hyped for dmm in 2024, nty

dingus6520: yo shouts out to me for delivering Kemp's favourite comment on the last vid.

-sk8-437: That SkillSpecs clutch was really well done, props to 'em.

MrBfm93: Woow SKILLSPECS that was insane brooo!!


andypro9763: We want summoning not sailing

ephay: damn the chris archie music

neednamehere: why does that mccune guy from the intro skillspecs clip sound familiar

runeking884: If I showed you early stages of development of any game you wouldn't like the looks of it. This is an unfinished concept and should be viewed as such.

user-cu3tl8ek6u: 61m is cringe

May 23 2024

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