DOPAL-OZ: That d warhammer kill was insane man
GamesAndVapor: Love the bh Abby dagger, it's absurd.
Kenpaxhii_333: Let's gooo
gridsmacked: pid swap ags maul was wicked, xD. Take it to the chin ahaha
kylbarry4466: Interesting to see this with different weapons in the future!
lukesilva-k8g: Love the content buddy! The gun game challenge though has to end with the weapon your on to kill. So the void waker gmaul didn't count! Keep up the great content bro bro
knoosk2464: best outro ever
OldManYukio: Just want too say I love all your vids no matter what you make will always be a fan
joshtharp5503: I have like 700 d swords in the bank for when they fix the spec on it.
downunderpride7998: Can someone explain to me why twisted bow is worth what it is? The dark bow spec looks way better and seems to have more damage? am i missing something?
iGoldenWax: Why do you keep using avernic and dragon defender?
Kursplunky: Todays lesson learned, d knives are the most lethal weapon of all
barakuda622: Torvesta did this challenge where the kills only count if its by the special attack and its the final blow
Storeeez: I love the outro
D3VIIL.: D long use to slap. It’s like the mace when it hit it’s satisfying
OSRS2ndBase: Such a great video
dada_uce9285: Gun game , brought to you by gmaul
Tiptoess: early content is W
barakuda622: Any1 else confused why when he was doing d mace he was wearing avernic yet had a d defender in his invy?
silrdaniel1093: Lmao "D long took so long"
JD-qd2kx: @laganarium does it still work with AFK splashing if you leave your cursor so that an interact scrolls by in the top left corner while leaving something on your arrow key to beat the 20 min afk timer?
Mar 10 2025