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ascensionacademy3418: The rune news / Ryan Ryan intro was too short.

TheDeltaZebra: RS3 segment too long.

goldtorchic1974: I love the “this is rune news and you’re watching Ryan Ryan” part

mattmiller9718: The fang, it opens up tons of mid-game content for melee. Paired with a d defender, glory, mixed hide top, torags platelegs, d boots, nezzy helm, and fire cape.

johnreeves1257: Condor being a divorced dad makes too much sense lol

PawgPudding: You should give this series a name

JimmyNevski: Emote looping is very small but that’s absolutely huge for content, gifs, camera pans and content creator movement, that tiny change will find its way into good editors hands

HavvinIshoose: Hunter moonlight crossbow is cheaper than rcb and better dps in a lot of circumstances

YosiahW: The clog cosmetic rewards should at least give a few teleports or small perks like the explorers ring's 30 alchs per day - just something small enough to not be overpowered but good enough to not feel like a waste to grind.

kjax139: how in the world does NynteenKilo see a damn thing playing like that. holy shit

davidlejenkins: Leaf-bladed axe. It's like 60k and actually has decent stats for a mid game, essentially free weapon.

JadedOriana: rune crossbow is definitely good all round bang for buck, it such a key item especially as an ironman where is pretty much your go to weapon for ages. now I would also put abby whip, dragon scim, and the iban staff pretty close aswell, outside super rare drops these are pretty much your best items for majority of the time.

joes1429: So we have to fix our own clogs? Nice update Gagex

stink-o: And here I was getting ready to skip the first 10 minutes of the video talking about BH, but you were one step ahead of me.

maniacmatt7340: In the change log they fucked forestry again. World hopping won't make events spawn. Great job gagex

jaderabbit8726: Zaxe is just so versatile. It’s definitely the best gp to value.

colbs7625: I genuinely bursted out laughing during the Ryan Ryan Runenews segment this week

Jbeans11: The fang is the best weapon for your money, it should be like 50m but it’s like 10m so early accounts can pick it up and do hard bosses like bandos with clan mates, it really helps push you towards getting out of the early game

michaelsnachez5747: That rune news intro made me think I was having a stroke

Bizza12345: is the log built into the ui next to the diary buttons yet or do i still needa pick it up from varrock like a chump

Twittchyy: The regular trident is 45k and barely worse than a sang staff, what a value

BiggestSparkPlug: Eclipse sets are going to be the meta for mid accounts for Royal Titans. Mark my words.

bencook9847: Hunter's sunlight crossbow no questions asked. Shit slaps and it costs under 10k with bolts

dumcookie1234: The osmumtens fang is insane value for the gp

jacobmadsen9348: I still wish they would make it so you know if you are 0, 1 or 2 out of 3 on the ring drops from DT2..

Love the content as always king <3

Lizzy..: i dont play anymore but i still watch these everyweek love the content king

bigzem4696: Best wep for the price I’d say fang but idk shit about fuck

Jan 30 2025

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