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Most Profitable 99s in OSRS

hootie017: Reminder to everyone that with no exceptions, a 99 will take, at minimum, dozens or hours or a lot of money. Enjoy the game…that said if you’re sprinting towards a 99, I suggest Crafting for the cape and Construction for the utility of the teleports in the POH; the teleports to the housing locations are overrated

thecoocheemonster: All theiving is profitable but all theiving is boring

BenzBoyz: just in time for the coffee break

morganrowe1029: I'd even argue 1B for slayer to 99. There are quite a few 25-75m items dropped by boss versions of tasks, that add up over the slog to 99

jakegreen796: Isn’t crafting nature runes from 91 with the achievement diary cape teleport really good gp per hour as well?

Halamadridistas: I did Ranaars from when I got them to 99, made me so much money and it’s mostly afk, just do a run, slayer till the next run, keep doing that and it’s hella money, especially when you get to hydra.. making money passively while making money through slayer.. the other ones are boring but I guess can be good too

1423bdog: I can assure you that there is no way cutting yews to 99 will net you anywhere near 75 mil. Speaking from experience, I did 60-99 at yews in forestry worlds, the logs alone were only worth around 25mil when yew prices were at 360! they are only around 250 netting you around 18.75 mil. Even after adding in the axe handles sold it is just over 32mil. Now with current prices it would only be around 25mil depending on how many axe handles you can get.

nicholasjackson8709: Beg at the ge and make millions. It's crazy how much people make.

JaytheGreen: made about 500m off of 99 strength minimum for sure.

marioncobretti7870: I think you have no idea where the profit lies in woodcutting. You forgot to mention the fact if you do forestry, at magics, even solo theres 1/10 chance at an event. You can expect to clog, plus gain 50k extra anime bark, which makes handles that u can sell, add the leaves ontop of that.

biggamer8655: Watching this and I don't even play runescape dafuq is wrong with me?

Nov 01 2024

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