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Megarare Kits and Overloads Coming to OSRS

LiamAddison08: Mega rare ornament kits should come from the source of the item, not deadman

w_illy: Put Zuk in a breach with shields all around it

snacpop: I wonder if solo knows how interesting he makes discussion about something I couldn’t care less about so much fun to hear him talk about

notobi-wan8344: I think breaches are dumb. When last deadman came i thought mosters would roam around randomly creating absolute chaos. Imagine crossing Lumbridge bridge and seeing Graador in middle of goblins or some madlad luring Nex next to a bank and killing bunch of AFK players

BrandonStAubin: We want GG recaps Solo!!

-tristan: I dont have a sanguine kit and would honestly hate to see mega rare kits come from a temp game mode. Weren't twisted kits added to CMs because of similar outrage?

turbors: Absolutely no mega kits from dmm

mandrue73: The megarare kits should be removed imo. Twisted leagues did the same thing removing ancestral kits and later moving them to CM raids. Endgame cosmetics should come from endgame content. Pvp related kits are fine, but don’t do my sanguine scythe dirty by adding a budget version

Wizzyhatg: The range tier 1 badly needs to be reverted ,15 bleed damage will make 3-50 bracket unplayable.

jonwarland272: It would be so funny to see a bunch of defence pures tanking against all the bosses in the 1-50 finale after all the 1 def pures get nuked.

May 27 2024

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